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General Terms and Conditions 

The intention of the internship is to provide Interns with an opportunity to apply their studies and experience in a real workplace in Ireland and to learn about the Company's operations and business.



In this Terms and Conditions, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions apply:

1.1. “this Terms and Conditions” means this agreement between the Company and the Intern with ConsortiaCo.

1.2. “Applicant” means a current student or person seeking an internship position with the Company, and, in applying to participate in the Programme, has agreed to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

1.3. “Company” means the organisation which has applied to participate in the Programme, is seeking to recruit an intern.

1.4. “Intern” means the Applicant selected by the Company to be appointed to the Internship, whose eligibility has been confirmed by CONSORTIACO, and who has accepted an offer for the Internship.

1.5. “Internship” means the placement with the Company under the Programme.

1.6. “Programme” means the Internship Programme.

1.8. “Start Date” means the date agreed between the Intern and the Company for the Intern to start work for the

Company pursuant to the Internship.

1.9. “ CONSORTIACO ” means the linker between the Company and the Applicant or Intern but makes no representations to the Intern as to the nature or quality of the Placement or the Company.  



2.1. The Company shall provide to CONSORTIACO, via the Internship Information Form, complete and accurate information about the Company, the role and responsibilities the Intern shall undertake during the Internship, the qualifications and experience required by the Intern and the experience and skills the Intern can expect to gain during their Internship.

2.2. The Internship shall be advertised by CONSORTIACO on its Interns Opportunities portal. CONSORTIACO shall promote the Internship, but is under no obligation to guarantee that applications for the Internship will be forthcoming.

2.3. The Company shall be responsible for receiving a pre-selected Applicants and shall select a preferred candidate in accordance with its normal recruitment and selection process.

2.4. The Company shall inform to CONSORTIACO of the outcome of its recruitment and selection process.

2.5. CONSORTIACO shall be responsible for confirming the eligibility of the preferred candidate, prior to the Company making an offer of the Internship.

2.6. The Company shall provide the Intern with an agreement which information on start and end dates, working hours, holiday allowances (where applicable), benefits, absence pay, flexible working arrangements, and disciplinary and grievance procedures. 

2.7. The Company shall provide written confirmation to the TEAM CONSORTIACO that the Intern has started the Internship.

2.8. The Company shall provide the Internship as described in the Internship Information Form.

2.9. At the start of the Internship the Company shall notify the Intern of all policies, rules and procedures operated by the Company and shall (if required by the Intern and/or CONSORTIACO) undertake such training with the Intern as is required to ensure that the Intern is able to comply with such policies, rules and procedures.

2.10. The Company shall provide the facilities and equipment needed to enable the Intern to undertake the Internship.

2.11. Neither CONSORTIACO nor any of its employees shall be responsible for, nor do any of them accept any responsibility for, any breaches of such laws or regulations nor do any of the aforementioned make any representations as to whether or not the Internship complies with such laws or regulations.



The Internship is a temporary placement with the Company, which offers the Intern an opportunity to acquire professional experience. In order to be eligible to participate in the Programme, the Applicant agree:

3.1. To comply with the Company's  reasonable instructions, policies and procedures during the Placement;  

3.2. To maintain full attendance for the duration of the Placement and to comply with the Company sickness and absence reporting procedures where appropriate;  

3.3. To hand over to the Company on termination of the Placement all documents and other materials belonging to the Company.  

3.4. The Applicant agrees and understands that the internship is no guarantee or expectation that the activity will result in employment with the Company. 

3.5.The education received by the Intern from the internship is for the express benefit of the Intern. 

3.6.The Intern does not replace or displace any employee of the Company. 

3.7.The Intern will receive direct and close supervision by an appropriate supervisor. 

3.8.The Intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship. 

3.9. The Company is not liable for injury sustained or health conditions that may arise for the unpaid intern during the course of the internship. 



4.1. All new intellectual property rights arising exclusively from carrying out the Internship shall become the property of the Company unless agreed otherwise in writing between the Parties. Any background intellectual property shall remain the property of the originating Party.

4.2. The Company shall provide the Intern with the same rights, recognition and reward as provided to other employees of the Company in respect of any arising intellectual property developed by the Intern in the course of their Internship.



5.1. The Company shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any information disclosed by the other Party pursuant to this Agreement will be kept confidential, except where the information:

5.1.1. is in the possession of, and is at the free disposal of, the receiving Party and its employees or agents or is published or is otherwise in the public domain prior to the receipt of such information by the receiving Party;

5.1.2. currently is or becomes available through no fault of the receiving Party or its servants or agents;

5.1.3. is received in good faith by the receiving Party or its servants or agents from a third party; or

5.1.4. is required to be disclosed by law.

5.2. The Company shall:

5.2.1. not contacting the Applicants directly in the selection process without the prior consent of CONSORTIACO;

5.2.2.keep any personal data on the Intern disclosed to it secure and only use it for the purposes of administering the Internship;

5.2.3. define to the Intern the information it considers to be confidential upon the disclosure of that information;

5.2.4. notify the Intern of the ongoing duty of confidentiality at the end of the Internship.

5.3. CONSORTIACO shall keep any personal or commercial data on the Intern or Company disclosed to it secure, and only use it for the purposes of administering the Programme (such purposes to include, inter alia, providing details of the Intern and Company, if they have provided the match- funding).

5.4. CONSORTIACO_ shall not be liable for any breach of confidentiality by the Intern arising from the Internship.



6.1. CONSORTIACO_ shall not be liable to the Company, Intern or any third party for any damage or loss, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation which arise out of the Intern’s or Company’s participation in the Programme, including without limitation any liability for the provision of adequate health and safety instruction, equipment and supervision.

6.2. No warranty condition or representation of any kind is made, given or to be implied as to the sufficiency, accuracy or fitness for purpose of any information or materials that the _CONSORTIACO_ contributes to the Programme or to any information or material created by the Intern during the Internship. The Company shall be entirely responsible for the use to which it puts such information and materials.

6.3. Neither CONSORTIACO_ nor the Intern makes any representation or warranty that advice or information given by the Intern or any of CONSORTIACO’s employees, students, agents or appointees, or the content or use of any materials, works or information provided in connection with the Programme of Internship, will not constitute or result in infringement of third-party rights.

6.4. CONSORTIACO_ shall be under no obligation to ensure that the Internship, or its outcomes, will achieve any particular purpose, aim or target of or required by the Company or Intern.

6.5. The liability of any Party for any breach of this Agreement, or arising in any other way out of the subject matter of this Agreement, will not extend to loss of profits; loss of business; loss of goodwill, reputation and/or similar loss; loss of anticipated savings; loss of goods; loss of use or loss or corruption of data or information; or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses, suffered by the other Party.



7.1. These Terms and Conditions may be terminated by either the Company or CONSORTIACO_ for any breach of the obligations set out in these Terms and Conditions, by giving (2) two weeks written notice to the other part of its intention to terminate. The notice shall include a detailed statement describing the nature of the breach. If the breach is capable of being remedied and is remedied within the notice period, then the termination shall not take effect. If the breach is of a nature such that it can be fully remedied but not within the notice period, then termination shall also not be effected if the Party involved begins to remedy the breach within that period, and then continues diligently to remedy the breach until it is remedied fully. If the breach is incapable of remedy, then the termination shall take effect at the end of the notice period in any event.

7.2. This Agreement shall terminate automatically:

7.2.1. at the end of the Internship;

7.2.2. should the Company enter into liquidation, administration and/or administrative receivership.

7.3. During the Internship should the Company or the Intern wish to terminate the Internship for any reason, notice must be given as specified in the Agreement between the Company and the Intern. CONSORTIACO_ must also be notified immediately of any such notice to terminate.

7.4. In the event that the Internship is terminate pursuant to clause 7.3, then the Parties may agree in writing:

7.4.1. to seek to appoint a replacement Intern to fulfil the remaining period of the Internship on the same, or substantially similar, terms to this Agreement; or

7.4.2. to terminate this Agreement by mutual agreement with immediate effect.



No party shall be deemed to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions as a result of any delays or non-performance directly or indirectly resulting from circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, fire, epidemic or other casualty, strike or labor dispute, war or other violence, or any law, order or requirement of any governmental agency or authority.



9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Irish law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts over any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement.


If the above terms are acceptable to the Company and the Parties according to its understanding, we kindly ask you to sign these Terms and Conditions in the space provided for this purpose. 





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